A close-up look at the Intersect



Intersect will be the home for Cardano's future growth and a one-stop shop for community governance.

Good governance requires strong institutions

Decentralized digital infrastructure made possible by blockchain protocols, such as Cardano, creates a more flexible, secure, transparent, and innovative ecosystem where individuals control data , their own identities and futures. Building and maintaining this critical infrastructure requires significant investment and resources

A membership-based organization solves many of the challenges of coordinating those investments and resources by bringing together diverse stakeholders with common goals and shared values. The important role of such an organization can be compared to that of a civil engineering or public works organization in any municipality or local government. Municipalities are responsible for maintaining roads, bridges and other civic infrastructure. Some of this work is routine, largely predictable, and has costs that are predictable and relatively easy to control. We can think of most of Cardano's smaller and frequent updates as similar to streetlight repairs, pothole repairs, and any other maintenance activities that preserve and enhance existing infrastructure. Have.

However, large expansion projects require highly capable companies, good financial resources and close community consultation as these completely new projects can take place over many years, attracting Close monitoring must be accompanied by greater accountability. Adding new features and updates to the blockchain's core mechanism is comparable to these large-scale undertakings.

Community synthesis

The opportunity to maintain Cardano's core technology and develop a roadmap for the future attracts a wide range of stakeholders. Intersect enables companies and organizations to make the most significant contributions to the ecosystem and raise their voices on how Cardano's technology platform can and should develop. It is these members who make up the various boards, councils, commissions and working groups that meet regularly to carry out the tasks of identifying, designing, delivering and communicating a variety of public works projects. around Cardano's core technologies.

Ultimately, Cardano relies on many stakeholders and contributors, including developers, validators (stake pool operators or SPOs), and other participants, to provide ongoing support and maintenance. Maintain basic protocol. Just like municipalities, open source ecosystems like Cardano require ongoing funding to support routine operations and maintenance as well as more significant scaling projects. Cardano generates funding through transaction fees and the network's decentralized treasury, which can be used to fund a variety of initiatives and projects.

Five pillars

At its core, Intersect will focus on ensuring the maintenance and future growth of Cardano. Cardano is a community-governed blockchain, which means that Cardano is concerned with both the technology and the process that supports technical advancement and consensus through discussion and collaboration.

Intersect has five pillars:

– Support the ecosystem development community by organizing conferences, hackathons, and developer-focused events.

– Manage and support community-led governance and CIP 1694 implementation.

– Coordinate to provide technical roadmap approved by the community.

– Coordinate periodic maintenance of Cardano to ensure system stability.

– Coordinate open source development of core technologies for Cardano.

MBO management

Similar to municipalities or local councils, Intersect will have a board of directors held and run by its members, with various committees and working groups focused on specific areas and interests. . The design of Intersect's governance and membership structure helps define strategic priorities for Cardano's growth by having broad representation through its global and diverse membership base.

Work packages

Think of work packages as requirements that Cardano and organizations need vendor support to deliver. Through working groups, committees, and governance, Intersect will define work packages that maintain Cardano or contribute to the technical roadmap.

More specifically, organizations like Intersect can propose work packages for the community to review and approve. Once approved and established, Intersect will invite member organizations with experience and capacity to bid and facilitate supervision. For larger work packages, Intersect will facilitate delivery schedules and, through its members, hold companies accountable. Members will participate in the governance of Cardano through various member-led committees and working groups, who may ultimately author a technically sound governance action proposal .

Next year

Cardano restores trust in court systems

 demand – creating a scientifically safe, transparent and sustainable platform for individuals to trade and exchange, management systems and businesses to develop. Cardano is in the age of Voltaire and Intersect is an indispensable organization to protect Cardano's future.

In the coming weeks and months, Intersect will share membership options and ways to get involved, introduce the first committees and working groups, and detail how Intersect members will contribute and shape technical roadmap. No matter what level of membership you join, Intersect and its members will play an active role in realizing Cardano's potential.

Certain events later this year will discuss Intersect's internal operational priorities and strategies, along with member meetings and the first global membership meeting. To participate, organizations and individuals interested in supporting the development of the Cardano ecosystem should apply.

Source: Intersect